What is a talk trigger?

Marketing in Weymouth and Dorset

Small business marketing blogs.

A talk trigger is a unique and remarkable aspect of a business that creates word-of-mouth buzz among customers and generates positive reviews, recommendations, and referrals. It’s a distinctive element of a business that sets it apart from its competitors and leaves a lasting impression on its customers.

A talk trigger can be anything that surprises, delights, or adds value to the customer experience. It could be a unique product, a creative marketing campaign, a personalized touch, a memorable interaction with staff, or an exceptional level of service.

The power of a talk trigger lies in its ability to turn satisfied customers into brand advocates who willingly spread the word about the business. By creating a talk trigger, a business can generate more positive reviews, increase customer loyalty, and drive new business through referrals.

To create a talk trigger, businesses need to identify the unique value proposition that sets them apart from their competitors and use it to create a memorable and delightful customer experience. By doing so, they can turn their customers into their most powerful marketing tool.

Picture of Paul Oughton

Paul Oughton

Business owner, So&So Marketing.

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